Recent Transactions Card
Shows most recent transactions
Last updated
Shows most recent transactions
Last updated
This section gives an overview of the recent transactions initiated from the safe and their details. Clicking on View All takes to the transactions page
Information breakdown per transaction:
Recipient : Consists of the name of the payee, type of payout and logo. In case of Mass Payout or CSV Payout, total number of payees is shown as : In case of Gnosis initiated transaction, Gnosis logo is shown
Amount : Consists of token symbol, token amount and total usd value of the payout at the time of creating the transaction In case of payout in multiple tokens, the token logo and amount is changed as : In case of Gnosis initiated transaction, the usd value is shown as :
Status : Shows the current status of the transaction.
- For on-chain approved and executed transaction
- For on-chain rejected and executed transaction
- For a pending transaction
- For a failed transaction