Add People
Adding people makes it easier to track and manage payment
Last updated
Adding people makes it easier to track and manage payment
Last updated
There are multiple ways of adding people. You can add and save people one by one by clicking on +Add button, fill in the details and click on +Save button.
Adding more than one person simultaneously is also possible, just click on +Add button and it'll keep on adding rows. Then after filling all the details, click on +Save All to save all at once.
After filling all the required details in the csv file, drop the csv in the blue box. It'll then take you to the review page, review all the details and click on Import People button and all the people will be imported automatically.
Person Name and Wallet/ENS Address are unique fields. Adding two entries with same name or address will throw an error.
Person Name and Wallet/ENS Address are unique fields. Adding two entries with same name or address will throw an error.
In case where even more people are required to be imported, we recommend using importing them all via a csv file. Click on the dropdown button on the right of +Add button and click on Import People A sidebar opens up, download the sample sheet to get a hang of the format in which the csv need to be uploaded.