What is Parcel?
PaymentOS for the Contributor Economy
Parcel is a dynamic, one-stop shop for on-chain DAO financial operations. DAOs, as the future of global work coordination, have to deal with a diverse, fast growing community spanning jurisdictions across the globe. DAOs increasingly will have to deal with complex and ever-growing contributor payrolls that depend on criteria such as token price risk, transaction fees, contributor preference of payment etc.
Parcel is a platform that enables DAO operators to make both one-off & bulk payouts with a user-friendly interface. Over 750+ safes with ecosystem leaders such as IndexCoop, BanklessDAO and OlympusDAO have used Parcel to streamline their contributor payrolls. Parcel leverages the Gnosis Safe multi-sig wallet and infrastructure, the DAO ecosystem standard to make payouts.Here’re the OGs over at Gnosis Safe describing EOAs, multisig wallets and contract addresses: https://docs.gnosis-safe.io/introduction/the-programmable-account/eoas-vs.-contract-accounts
Our V2 now seeks to achieve a grand vision: to become the paymentOS for the contributor economy. As our first step, we have created a contributor dashboard which currently offers a straightforward experience of submitting work and making payment requests for completed tasks.
The Parcel user doc aims to provide you with a detailed walkthrough of how the Parcel platform operates. So step right in and let’s take you around the app!
Last updated