Steps to payout using Circles
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Coordinape integration can be found under the integrations tab on the navbar.
Prerequisite : Wallet address signed into Parcel should be an admin of the Coordinape Circle. If you don’t have a Coordinape Circle already, log in to Coordinape and create a circle here.
Steps to follow :
1. Go to Integrations tab. click on Coordinape
2. Connect your Coordinape account You will be asked to sign a message that gives us permissions to access your Coordinape data.
Note: We do not do any kind of write operations to your Coordinape circles. We use these permissions only to get the details of your circles and epochs.
3. It will display all the circles on Coordinape associated with the connected wallet
Click on any of the circles to view all the epochs of that circle.
Note: You can only create payouts for completed epochs.
4. To view all the participants of the circle, click on View Participants button in the top right corner to view all the participants of the circle.
5. Clicking on Pay button of an epoch will open the review screen. Enter the total budget amount for that epoch, and the app will automatically calculate the payout values to be sent to each recipient.
6. Once the budget is set, select the Payment Category and enter the Description for your reference. Click on the Create Transaction button to complete the process.